Friday, December 3, 2010

Tom & Lisa Cuchara win awards for their photography at 2010 Tops in Connecticut

For Immediate Release

Tom and Lisa Cuchara of BREA Photos in Hamden recently won awards for their photography at 2010 Tops in Connecticut. Lisa and Tom run BREA photos, a Hamden Photography Studio. The 2010 Tops in Connecticut (the 26th edition of this every two year event), sponsored by CAP (The Connecticut Association of Photographers) was judged on Sunday, November 21, 2010.

500 total photographs were entered and 100 were accepted. Four of Lisa and Tom's photographs were accepted for the show and Lisa's photograph "Holding Precious Newborn" earned Best Portrait.

Contact: Tom and Lisa Cuchara


Jhan said...

Congrats! :-)

Nicole Beebe said...

Truely Amazing, Congratulations!!!!!