We had a lot of fun when we recently delivered photographs to a bride and groom. We met at the groom's parents house where it looked like they were having a little "wedding photo party". The groom's parents, the bride's parents, the groom's sister, plus the groom's brother and sister-in-law (with a little boy on the way) were also there. We showed them the slideshow of their awesome wedding day and we really enjoyed their reactions. Lisa's father commented that he loved every photo,
but I have a secret feeling that this one was one of his favorites...

Both the wedding couple and the bride's mother ordered coffee table books. The bride's mother also ordered two collages and we were very impressed with the groom's mother as got right down to business and chose ~60 photos that she wanted us to print for her.
Here are two of the collages that the bride's mother ordered.

Here is a sampling of the photos that the groom's mother ordered.

We had a LOT of fun at Lisa and Pat's wedding, everyone was so easy to get photograph and they were all having such a great time. We were quite pleased that the groom's parents ordered some of the "fun photos" too (in addition to the "expected" formal photographs).

As the bridal party and parents were waiting to be introduced Tom saw Pat's Dad try to peak in thru the window. Tom loves the spontaneity of people and when he saw this he asked him to do it again so that he could capture it.
We were pleased that they ordered it!
This was photograph of Pat with his grandmother was one of
Tom's favorites...

This photo of Pat's parents came out so nice that I could not help but print a larger copy of it for them.

The wedding ceremony had a "secret part" -- the Reverend asked all married couples to stand and renew their vows. Pat's brother was at the alter so we captured Lori and Ryan renewing their vows.

Tom caught up with Ryan and Lori at the reception and captured this of the two of them. Congrats to both of them as they are expecting a little baby boy in the middle of March!

The bride and her new sister-in-law

Pat's mother ordered a copy of this photograph (above) of Pat's sister with her new sister-in-law. Pat's sister is soooo beautiful that I could not resist cropping this photo and making a fine art image of his sister.