Monday, September 1, 2008

Erick and Connie's Wedding

We got to ATTEND a wedding yesterday at Anthony's in New Haven. We actually got to sit and eat the food, danced, talk with people and we ate lots of (really good) dessert. It was wonderful! We only brought a little point and shoot camera with us and got some pretty typical point and shoot photos, red eye and all.

Breanna's brother Erick got married to Connie. It was a very touching wedding of two people very much in love. Erick got emotional when reading his vows and lots of us were tearie eyed. He is a pilot and she is an air traffic controller so her as his direction/air traffic controller was in his vows. And their first song was Frank Sinatra's "Come Fly with Me". Breanna was in the wedding party -- she looked awesome, she looked like she was 25 not 14! She had her hair colored and it was all done up -- wow! She can really dance too.

Connie and her father danced to this song by Rascal Flatts. It was the first time that I had heard this song, but I know that it will be great for many of our slideshows. Check out the song in a separate blogpost.

OK, here are a few photos, but be forewarned, we used a little point and shoot -- and it shows, but its OK because they had a wedding photographer there doing his job. OK we were a little lost at a wedding without our camera.

Connie and her Dad dancing -- to Rascal Flatts. Hear the song here:

Erick and Connie cutting the cake

Breanna brought her iPod and the DJ hooked into it so that she could request a song for her big brother and his new wife. She then got Erick to dance with her. Later in the evening she requested the BackStreet Boys (she went to see them in concert a few weeks ago, (her 8th grade graduation present from us). For that song she managed to get both of her brothers out there dancing with her.

Breanna had a ball -- she danced the night away!

I love the fact that they went out on the beach for photographs. We did not follow them, but Tom grabbed this from the patio. What a fabulous sunset followed this. Absolutely perfect.

Breanna certainly doesn't look 14!

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