Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Dog agility practice

Tom has always been a "mammal guy" preferring the "big five" of Africa to birds, Moose to insects, wolves to flowers, etc. Over the years he has gotten very good at Bird flight photography, has developed quite an eye for flower composition and really notices all those little critters out there. Alas, mammals are his true calling. Today he photographed something as challenging as birds in flight -- dog agility. Take a look at these dogs are the go thru the weave poles, over the jumps, etc. We also have a video (another who lets the dogs out soundtrack). Interested in purchasing some images? You can purchase images directly from us or thru our website.

Take a look at the rest of the gallery (174 photos) here: http://www.tlc.smugmug.com/gallery/5861269_w6zgv#363902077_YbA3s

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