Monday, July 14, 2008

Did you see our "White Reveals, Black Conceals" at NECCC?

Did you see us present "White Reveals, Black Conceals" at NECCC?

If so please leave a comment (please include the program that you saw: Friday at 2:30 pm in Th 102, Saturday at 10am in CC Auditorium or Saturday at 2:00 pm in Th 102. email us your comments and feedback on our program and we will send you a free action that will enable you to "Paint in your photos".

This technique reminded me of when I was a kid where you would color using red, gree, blue, etc. crayons and then cover everything with the BLACK crayon and then take a paper clip and remove the black from certain areas to uncover what was underneath and make a colorful picture as the end result. Except it is easier and quicker (I make an action that has one Black layer and one white layer so I can choose which to paint in from) with photoshop.

Tulips in the morning light -- Painting "in" your photos

You can do this with layers and masks

This is the original photo...

painting over the mask that is on top of the photograph with a white layer underneath

painting over the mask that is on top of the photograph with a Black layer undrerneath

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