We had a great day on the Hudson River yesterday in Newburgh on the historic restored River Front. We picked up Noel & Gemma (it's so GREAT to have them here!) at the airport and then headed to the Riverfront where Mom met us. Mom found a restaurant that would allow us to bring Summer with us to eat. Gemma just loved Summer. The river was nice and being with everyone was wonderful, although it was very hot outside. Here are a few photos from Sunday.

We could see the bridge from the patio where we were eating. It was a day of planes (Stewart airport to pick up Noel & Gemma), Trains (they go right by the historic riverfront) and all kinds of boats, ferry, riverboat, tugboats, barges, etc.

Christopher Columbus

Of course Tom had to find some birds :-)
This mockingbird must have had a nest close by as it had bugs in its mouth and was bringing them in. It was obviously used to people though and landed right next to Tom quite a few times.

At the restaurant Summer even got an entree -- an entire bowl full of ice cubes!!
Now there is a happy dog!!
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