Wednesday, May 25, 2011

KimE more

I just had to post a few more from Kim's session!

This first picture is one of my favorites! Wow!

For this next one I just loved the image on the left that Kim chose for her portfolio, but when I was editing it I decided to have some fun and make her into a mirror image. I just took the left side the the picture and duplicated it and flipped it and brought it together. Kim's beautiful symmetry allowed me to do this. Interesting...

Part of modeling is posing and if you look up posing in the dictionary you see that it actually has to do with acting rather than sitting perfectly stil, which is how some people define "posing". Kim was excellent at posing and acting and scenarios which allowed her images to be editiorial and storyteeling in addition to fashion.

We cannot wait to get Kim back in front of the camera!

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