Saturday, May 15, 2010

Ava and Luke

Meet Ava and Luke -- two absolutely adorable children. Ava is just the right amount of precious and Luke shadows her and does everything that she does! Ava is also quite the conversationalist and I enjoyed talking with her.

You can view more photos from their photo session here on our website:

I know this is cliche, but don't you just want to pinch these little cheeks...

We really had fun with Ava -- she was so personable and easy to photograph.

The stairs are usually a big hit.

Look at this young can just see the mischief in his eyes, all the time, not just in this photo. I bet he gives momma a run for her money ;-) too cute!

so expressive -- perhaps she will be a senator, an orator or an actress when she grows up.

We like the traditional images and the fun images but also enjoy creating something different too.

This next image was processed and at the end "hot fudge with a cherry" was applied. I love it!
I love Ava's smile, but we were pleased to capture many of her expressions in the Studio.
This next photo was processed in two different ways, one an artistic simplify and the other an HDR simulator.

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