Wednesday, March 11, 2009

4 week old Leilani

Here are a few photos from our recent session with little Leilani this past Saturday. I just LOVE the basket photograph!
From one week old to four weeks old she changed sooo much! She will be asking for the car keys in no time! No longer does she have that "curl" so cute in newborns -- she was all stretched out (and strongly pushing with her feet against Mom in some of our poses!).
We cannot wait to get this cute little one back into our Studio!

Pregnant? Considering a newborn session? Schedule your appointment with us during your 8th month based on your due date (we will adjust it if need be when your baby is actually born). All newborn sessions (babies under three weeks of age, but preferably under 8 days) are complimentary.

Babies can loose the ” newborn baby curl” within about 10 days of birth. If your looking for that little rump to be up and the baby to be moldable, try to shoot within this window. Baby acne also tends to set in after three weeks.

We try to coordinate with the mother beforehand and to plan the sleepiest time for the shoot. The sleepier the better, and no one would have a better idea of when that is than you.

Before you come in with this angelic sleepy baby, make sure to dress him or her in something easy to take off without disturbing them. Clothing that does NOT have to go over the head is good or even bring the baby in a swaddler. You need to be able to undress the baby without losing the deep slumber.

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